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COVID-19 Update

Bruce Blyton, President AESI

AESI continues to monitor developments with COVID-19.

AESI closely follows the recommendations made by our state and county health departments. We are also monitoring and following guidance from the CDC (Center for Disease Control). Prevention of COVID-19 is our priority.

Most of our staff is working from home. Our offices remain open but with very limited staff. We are using best practices for cleaning and disinfecting our office by referring to the CDC guidelines and our janitorial team has increased cleaning procedures.

All our meetings, internally and externally, are being done through Microsoft Teams. For our clients that do not have web meeting or collaboration services availability, AESI would be happy to initiate those meetings through our Teams services.

We are taking the health of our employees, clients, and project team members seriously and are continually communicating expectations of personal responsibility through the guidelines outlined by the CDC and the Washington State Department of Health.

Our responsiveness to our clients is still our priority and we are working on integrating best practices for our field staff while on a job site. With the open air, limited touch of same surfaces and individual responsibilities, we feel that it is safe to conduct field work and we will continue to monitor the situation for changing guidelines.

We are doing our best to continue to meet the expectations of our clients and continue to be responsive to your project needs.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your AESI project manager, or any of our Principals.

Thank you for your continued trust in these uncertain times.



Bruce Blyton

President AESI

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