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Local geologist Lou Lepp founded our company with an innovative vision. Lou aimed to blend the sciences of geology, hydrogeology, and the environment with the form and structure of geotechnical engineering. By recognizing the interconnectedness of these fields, he believed that he could provide his clients with a comprehensive understanding of their projects.

Today, we take great pride in carrying on Lou's legacy and fulfilling his vision through the expertise and enthusiasm of our experienced team. With a broad and deeply-rooted practice of geotechnical, geologic, hydrogeologic, and geophysics, we employ a specialized staff that brings expertise across numerous disciplines.

We believe that success is built on the foundation of teamwork, clear communication, and well-defined goals. Everyone on our staff plays an integral role in achieving our objectives, and we work collaboratively to ensure that we are all moving in the same direction. At the end of the day, our success is a testament to the power of teamwork, and we're proud to be a part of such a dedicated and talented group of professionals.


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Jennifer Saltonstall, L.G., L.Hg

Principal Geologist / Hydrogeologist & President 


Matt Miller, P.E.

Principal Geotechnical Engineer

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Jay Chennault, L.G, L.Hg. P.E., CWRE

Principal Hydrogeologist / Engineer

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Carrie Mozingo, L.G., L.E.G., P.E.

Principal Engineering Geologist/Engineer

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Kurt Merriman, P.E.

Senior Principal Geotechnical Engineer

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Curtis Koger, L.G., L.E.G., L.Hg.

Senior Principal Geologist / Hydrogeolgist


Jim Johnson, L.G., L.E.G.

Principal Engineering Geologist

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Bruce Guenzler, L.G., L.E.G.

Principal Engineering Geologist


Stephen Siebert, P.E.

Senior Associate Geotechnical Engineer

Tim Peter, L.E.G., L.Hg.

Senior Project Geologist

Tony Romanick, P.E., CESCL

Senior Engineer

Dustin Williams, Msc., L.G., C.E.G., L.E.G.

Project Engineering Geologist

Alex Ybarra, L.G. CESCL

Senior Staff Geologist

Lara Koger

Project Environmental/Geoscientist 

Jon Hansen, CESCL

Senior Staff Natural Resources Scientist

Kristen Marohl, L.G.

Senior Staff Geologist

Ryan Witters, GIT

Staff Geologist, GIT

Chance LittleBoy, GIT

Staff Geologist

Isabel Luke

Natural Resources Scientist

Nicole Cochems

Natural Resources Scientist

Jeff Laub, P.E., L.G., L.E.G.

Associate Engineering Geologist

Scott Hannah, L.G., L.E.G.

Senior Geologist

Bradford Drew, P.E.

Associate Engineer

Josh Greer, L.G., L.E.G.

Project Engineering Geologist

Brendan Young, L.G.

Senior Staff Geologist

Peter Linton, L.G., CESCL

Project Geologist

Jackson Lundgren, L.G.

Senior Staff Geologist

Collin Marshall, GIT

Senior Staff Geologist, GIT

Eddy Williamson

Staff Technician

Jake Talbot

Staff Natural Resources Scientist

Forest Gheen-Regouski

Staff Natural Resources Scientist

Carmen Foca

Staff Engineering Technician


Chris Allen, L.G., L.Hg.

Associate Hydrogeologist

Luke Mioduszewki, L.Hg., L.G., CESCL

Senior Geologist

Stan Thompson, L.G., L.Hg.

Senior Staff  Geologist

Brennan Nowak

Senior Staff Field Specialist

Gus Carlson, GIT

Senior Staff Geologist, GIT

Jessica Peila, GIT

Staff Geologist, GIT

Sam Seabury

Natural Resource Scientist

Jess Hocking L.G.

Project Geologist

Lam Nguyen, L.G.

Senior Staff Geologist

Anton Ypma, L.G., L.Hg.

Project Geologist/Hydrogeologist

Katie Faber

Project Water Resource Scientist

Sarah Faubion, GIT

Staff Geologist, GIT

Finn Coffin, GIT

Natural Resource Scientist


Joe Natale, EIT

Project Geophysicist


Nicole Fink

Geospatial Solutions Manager

Michael Trop

GIS Analyst


Ryan Tuomisto

Business Development Manager

Catherine Ikeda

Marketing Coordinator

Misty Green

Business Operations Manager

Elaina Radden

Front Desk Coordinator

Alexis Krapas

Graphics Technician

Regan Oswald

Administrative Assistant

Linda Downey

Senior Technical Editor

J. Harrington, CESCL

Technical Editor and Contributor

Laura Jackson-Kinney

Accounting Manager / Human Resources

Camille Essley

AR/AP Specialist

Susana Hernandez

AR/AP Specialist

Rabecca Larson

AR/AP Specialist

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